Muchamad Safri, Wiwik Sri Harijani, Penta Suryaminarsih



Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian beberapakerapatan Streptomyces sp terhadap daya hidup pupa lalat buah Bactrocera sp padastadium pupa menjadi imago. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan mendapatkan informasimengenai pengenceran yang tepat dalam menekan populasi hama lalat buah.Penelitian telah dilaksanakan mulai bulan Februari sampai April 2016. Penelitiandilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kesehatan Tanaman. Metode yang dilakukan padapenelitian ini yakni membandingkan antara berbagai kerapatan Streptomyces spdengan kontrol dalam mempengaruhi daya hidup lalat buah Bactrocera sp. Penelitiandilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan perlakuankerapatan Streptomyces sp yakni pada pengenceran 10-1, pengenceran 10-2,pengenceran 10-3, pengenceran 10-4, dan kontrol. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak6 kali. Hasil yang diperoleh yakni rata-rata perlakuan pengenceran Streptomyces sphanya memperpanjang lama hidup pupa selama 0,67 – 1,33 hari. Pupa yang berhasilmenjadi imago tertinggi pada perlakuan 10-4 yakni 9,00 pupa (10 persen). Pupa yangmenjadi imago terendah pada perlakuan 10-2 yakni 7,83 pupa (21,7 persen). pupa.Pupa yang tidak menetas disebabkan oleh terparasit oleh Streptomyces sp danterdegradasi dengan tanah. Gejala infeksi Streptomyces sp pada stadium pupa danimago dapat dilihat dengan adanya spora mirip jamur dan aroma khas dariStreptomyces sp.Kata Kunci : Uji Daya Hidup, Pupa Lalat Buah, Streptomyces sp.


The purpose of this study to determine the effect of some Streptomyces spdensity on the survival of fruit fly pupae Bactrocera sp on a pupa stage into imago. Thisresearch is expected to get the appropriate information about dilution in suppressingpest populations of fruit flies. Research has been conducted from February to April2016. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Health Faculty ofAgriculture, UPN "Veteran" East Java. The method used in this study that comparesthe various densities of Streptomyces sp with controls affect the lives of fruit fliesBactrocera sp. The study was conducted with a randomized block design (RAK) withthe density treatments Streptomyces sp namely at dilution 10-1, dilution 10-2, dilution10-3, dilution 10-4, and control. Each treatment was repeated six times. Resultsobtained at an average treatment dilution Streptomyces sp old prolong life only duringthe pupa from 0.67 to 1.33 days. Pupa imago who managed to become the highest intreatment that is 9.00 pupa 10-4 (10 percent). Imago pupae become the lowest intreatment 10-2 7.83 pupae (21.7 percent). pupa. Pupae do not hatch caused parasiteby Streptomyces sp and degraded land. Symptoms of infection Streptomyces sp on thestage of pupa and imago can be seen with the spores like mushrooms and aroma ofStreptomyces sp.Keywords : Vitality Test, Fruit Flies Pupae, Streptomyces s

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